RGG September 2014 - p.9
The Opposites Of Light
shimmers like the heat haze formed by a desert
sun A fascinating song that contains both earth
shatteringly heavy riffs and enchanting acoustic
textures The slow tempo of “The Road to San
Sebastian” is a welcome change of pace feeling
like a cool breeze wafting over an arid landscape
a delightfully seductive song
Drew Richards has always delivered razor
sharp riffs for Die So Fluid but on this album he
shows another side to his playing peppering the
soundscape with sumptuous guitar solos and
licks that fit each song like a glove He is aided
in this task by the solid and dynamic rhythm
section of Al (drums) & Grog (bass); the three
of them shining superbly together Grogs vocals
are also worth of a special mention strong and
strident when the song calls for it sensitive and
thoughtful at other times Grog’s vocals never
seem awkward or forced no matter how intense
the emotion of the song being sung Together
Drew Grog and Al have surpassed themselves
with an innovative collection of music that will
please their existing fans and warmly welcome
new devotees They have produced an intense
album that reveals ever more layers and nuances
with repeated listening It contains some
sublime moments that a review can only hint at
An album of wide screen proportions Die So
Fluid have pushed themselves both musically
and artistically from the delicate to the
thunderous yet they appear unafraid by this
Opposites Of Light is an album that rewards the
listener with every metaphorical spin this
maybe Die So Fluid’s magnum opus!
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...40